Holy Cow it has been forever since I've blogged! I can't believe more than two months have passed since I've put any pictures on here. I wish I could say we have just been so busy I haven't had the time, but really I have just been really lazy! Oh well....
So it is that fun time of year for soccer again! Nik & Nate are pretty excited. They had their first game on Saturday and they played really good. It is amazing how much they've improved since they played in the fall. Nate scored 2 goals! And Nik got some really great kicks in!

After their game we went to the Cedar Hills Easter Egg Hunt! The boys were so excited!
Here they are with the Easter Bunny...(a pretty sad Easter Bunny if you ask me)

Here is Nik & Nate waiting for the hunt to begin, I love this picture

And here they are with all their loot! Fun Times!!!

So it is that fun time of year for soccer again! Nik & Nate are pretty excited. They had their first game on Saturday and they played really good. It is amazing how much they've improved since they played in the fall. Nate scored 2 goals! And Nik got some really great kicks in!
After their game we went to the Cedar Hills Easter Egg Hunt! The boys were so excited!
Here they are with the Easter Bunny...(a pretty sad Easter Bunny if you ask me)

Here is Nik & Nate waiting for the hunt to begin, I love this picture
And here they are with all their loot! Fun Times!!!