Wow, it's been a while since I've updated on Clint.
Things have been a little crazy the last week.
We ended up getting to come home from the hospital on Friday which was great! Our boys had been hanging out with the K's (thanks so much you guys, they had soooo much fun, like always) so they were pretty exhausted when they got home that night. It worked out perfectly because I had just bought How To Train Your Dragon so we ended up having a great movie night! Then on Saturday we just hung out at home all day. It was so amazing just to have a 'normal' Saturday. We cleaned the car (and by we I mean my brother Chris:), we painted pumpkins, and we just enjoyed being home. I think Clint overdid it that day because he ended up having a fever most of the night :( We called the hospital Sunday morning and luckily they let us just go to AF Hospital to get blood cultures and stuff done. They started him on some more antibiotics, just to be safe, and luckily he has not had a fever since. We just took it easy on Sunday, Clint slept most of the day. Then on Monday we had another 'normal' day. School (wore Clint out by making him walk with me to pick Noah up from school and then walk with me to pick Nik & Nate up from school), homework (yelling & fighting because of homework:), playing, bath, bed.
On Tuesday we went back to clinic to have our first of three more days of chemo. We were there from about 8:15-2. Then on Wednesday back for more chemo, from about 9-3:30. Also had to get platelets on Wednesday, they were down to 12. And finally today, last day of chemo! We were at clinic today from about 9:45-3:30. The doctors don't have a lot of information to tell us. His counts are going down, so that is good. But today he still had 34% blasts in his blood, which makes me a little nervous since we don't have anymore chemo. We're just praying the chemo is strong enough to keep killing them off.
We have been trying to get our insurance company to approve the drug sorafenib. We have been denied twice now and started the 2nd appeal process today. It is the flt3 inhibitor that I mentioned a few posts ago, but it is only FDA approved for liver or kidney cancer or something, so our insurance company won't approve it for us. We sent over articles and a letter from Dr. Hoda but they still denied it. So now we have to go before a grievance committee and I'm praying this will do the trick. The hope with this drug is that it will keep the leukemia at bay long enough for us to get off the steroids and let some graft vs. leukemia kill off the remaining leukemia cells before it gets out of control again. I really think this drug is our best option right now, the problem is that it costs $10,000 a month. So if our insurance won't cover it then obviously it is not an option. It doesn't sound like the doctors really have another plan, as of yet, if we can't get this drug, and that makes me a little nervous.
I know I ask for too much, but if we could maybe get some extra prayers, fasting, whatever you can do, so that our meeting with the appeals committee will go well and they will approve Clint for this drug ASAP that would be amazing. Thank you so much! We really are the luckiest, to be surrounded by soooo many amazing people!
In good news, Clint has been feeling really good the last couple of days. So we're just keeping our fingers (and toes) crossed that it lasts. And that we can enjoy every minute!
Love Ya!
Baked Cheesy Chicken Spaghetti
4 days ago
prayers always.
Glad you've been having some "normal" days.
Praying for that committee to see the light...
Melanie told me about your situation so I thought I would get on the blog and send my encouragement. Keep fighting the good fight... My prayers are with you! - Ryan Shupe
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