Sorry it has been so long since my last post. Things have been going really good. Clint has been feeling great and his counts are looking pretty good. We have been going to the AF Hospital for blood draws everyday, and have been getting platelets at least every other day. But at clinic today they lowered his platelet parameter to 30,000 and he was at 57,000 today so we don't even have to get a blood draw tomorrow! It is going to be a hospital free day!!! The docs seem happy with his counts and just told him to keep on doing what he's doing. We actually don't even have to go back to LDS Hospital until Dec. 1, that seems like an eternity (we are crossing every finger and toe that we won't be back before then:).
I just had to share this picture. This is Clint's stomach after giving himself an insulin shot:( He obviously had very low platelets this day.
And a few more pictures of what we've been up to...
Here is Noah getting his hard cast on
And this is what the end result looks like...yes, it's VERY colorful! We could not talk him out of getting this one.
Luckily he only has to have this full cast on for 3 weeks. We go back on the 30th to get a short cast on and we are really trying to convince him to try out a new color on the next one:)
Clint and I went golfing at Thanksgiving Point yesterday. It was so beautiful and so much fun (and a little cold). Clint played really well and I actually had a few good holes myself.
Here is our self portrait...Love this guy!

Well I am exhausted tonight so I'm going to go to bed. But as this Thanksgiving week is approaching I have so much to be thankful for. We are so blessed and we are so grateful for all of you that bless our lives everyday! We will never be able to thank everyone enough or repay all the kindness, but please know that we love you all! Good Night!
I just had to share this picture. This is Clint's stomach after giving himself an insulin shot:( He obviously had very low platelets this day.

Here is Noah getting his hard cast on
Clint and I went golfing at Thanksgiving Point yesterday. It was so beautiful and so much fun (and a little cold). Clint played really well and I actually had a few good holes myself.
Well I am exhausted tonight so I'm going to go to bed. But as this Thanksgiving week is approaching I have so much to be thankful for. We are so blessed and we are so grateful for all of you that bless our lives everyday! We will never be able to thank everyone enough or repay all the kindness, but please know that we love you all! Good Night!
Thanks for the update! Bryce keeps meaning to call Clint but remembers too late at night! Keep up the good numbers! Talk to you soon!
Awesome news! Thanks for the update! - Greg
Yay!!! Keep going strong Clint!! We are praying like crazy for you every day! We love you guys!!
Thanks for the update! I'm so happy to see you two out and about! We think about you often and my boys pray for the "Jefferson's" every night! hahaha
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