Clint's leukemia is back. Not that it actually ever went away. But it is really back. It has found a way around the Nexavar.
We have known for a few days that his counts were heading up and that he had peripheral blasts, but they had been fairly low. But today his blast count shot up to 60%. We had a clinic visit today where they pretty much went over our options 1)do nothing 2)do some low dose chemo at home and just see how long it lasts or 3)be admitted to the hospital for another round of high dose chemo. Dr. Hoda said he doesn't recommend option 3 at all, he just doesn't think there are any benefits to it. So right now we are going with option 2. He said at some point the leukemia will find its way around everything. So that's where the needed miracle comes in.
A miracle is the only option for a cure that we can see right now. I believe with all my heart that it is possible. We have already been the recipient of more than one. But I also know that my Heavenly Father has a plan for each one of us, and only He knows what that plan is. I pray everyday that His plan and my plan are the same thing. I just pray that Clint, myself and our boys will have the strength to deal with whatever this life has in store for us.
It has been a very emotional day for us today. But as hard as it has been we have been blessed so much more. I can not believe how much we have received this holiday season. It is really an amazing thing to see how much goodness there is out there. I hope that everyone out there has an amazing Christmas! If you can please keep us in your prayers, and pray for that much needed Christmas Miracle! Thank you all, Love you!
5 days ago
Love you so much, Amy. Praying for you always.
Amy! I believe in miracles and I am sending lots of hopes & prayers your way! XOXOX Merry Christmas lil' lady, you've got a miracle coming your way!!!!
I went to High School with Clint, and I have followed you two and your journey, and I hope you get a miracle!! We'll keep you in our prayers.
I'm praying for a miracle for you and your family! Love you!
We are praying for a miracle. Lots of love to your family today. Merry Christmas :)
I found your blog from a comment you left on the Sullengers blog. I have been reading your blog for a while and felt the need to comment. I hope you don't mind. I am so very sorry for the hard time you, your husband and family are facing. my husband has had cancer twice and its such a scary thing. I look back and don't know how we ever got through it. I hope one day you guys can also do the same!!
I cried reading this! I pray you will receive your Christmas miracle!! I honestly don't know how I would make it without my husband and I'm sure you are feeling the same way! Sometimes I feel so guilty that Heavenly Father has blessed us by allowing my husband to live and not only that, but blessing us with 2 baby girls that we were told we would never get. We just had our second baby a couple of days ago.
Miracles DO happen and I know you know that! Keep smiling and staying strong. That's the only way to walk through all of the scary times. With a smile on your face. My parents would often ask us when my husband was facing a lot of harsh chemo that made him so sick, "how do you guys stay so positive and not cry all the time?" We would always answer, "what good would it do if we just cried all the time? We have no other choice than to be strong and smile." Of course its ok to have those bad days where you want to cry and not move on. But positive thinking can go a long ways!! We will be praying that Heavenly Father will bless you and your family!!
Much Love!
Happy Holidays!
Clint and Amy. You two are the most genuine people I know. Clint, I have such warm kind feelings towards you. Amy..xoxo. You are such an inspiration.
Always in my thoughts daily. I do believe in Christ and I do believe in miracles.
Our love...
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