Just in case any of you don't know, moving really sucks! Especially when your hubby is in the hospital with leukemia! This is our 3rd move in about 6 months and is definitely the hardest. Not because I'm attached to the house we are in now (don't get me wrong I will miss the deer in the yard everyday and the orchard next door) but because I just don't want to make the time to do it. As I have said before I am already feeling guilty about dividing my time between Clint and the boys, and now I have to make time for one more thing! Everyone has been so great asking what they can do to help but there are so many things that I just have to go through, to see what I need to take to my parents and what can go into storage and so forth. It all just takes so long! I feel like I'm away from Clint all day and hardly accomplish anything at all. The hospital seems to get farther and farther away everytime I leave Clint here. I know that he is very well taken care of here, but I just want to be here, I just need to be here, I just want to spend every minute of every day here with him. He tells me he's fine, and I think he actually likes some time alone, but I'm not fine when I'm not here. It's a lot easier to hold it all together with him next to me.
Sorry for all the complaining, it's been a really long day today.
In leukemia news...Clint's fever finally broke, yeah! He didn't have a fever for a lot of yesterday and today. And even when he has had one it has not been nearly as high as Saturday & Sunday. They say his counts are still looking good. Still no more news about what risk group he is in. They will be doing another bone marrow biopsy on Thursday, so make sure you keep him in your prayers that the biopsy will go smoothly (and relatively painlessly :) and the results will be good news! His rash is starting to spread a bit and is a little more itchy, but doesn't seem to bother him too much! His central line site is still really red so they are still concerned about it. They were supposed to have infectious disease come and check it out today but they never showed up. Hopefully it'll start getting better soon so he can get a pick line put in. His poor arms are beat up because now they have to poke him at least twice a day to draw blood, plus he has an IV in each arm! Other than his cough he seems to be feeling pretty good. He is pretty tired because his stupid cough kept him up most of the night (me too). But hopefully tonight will be better. The pulmonologist was in today and said after having pnemonia a cough can last for a few weeks to a month in someone with a normal immune system, so he should probably plan on having it for a while since he has no immune system :( But on the upside the pnemonia is completely gone and his lungs sound great! I guess we just have to take the good with the bad.
I thought I'd put a happier picture of Clint with this post...so here is my favorite man in my favorite place, Love It!!!
I know I've said it before but I am so thankful for all the prayers being offered on our behalf. We truly can feel them. And again I'm so thankful for our families and friends, we are so blessed!
Easy Pickled Red Onions
1 week ago
1 comment:
Amy, all of those feelings are normal...You just want the world to stop because your world has turned completley upside down!! There is one thing I want to share with you...all of those things you feel like you need to do are just that...things! The time you spend with Clint, the boys and taking care of you is what is most important! You need to learn to let go of the things you can't control and don't have the energy to control. and Complaining is ok...you have that right...Stay strong together!!
His counts sound great, the chemo sounds like it is doing it's job and tell him that when he loses all of his hair it often comes back thicker and might just fill in a few of those bare spots:) Keep your chin up and stay strong as a family! My heart goes out to you more than you could even imagine, you are always in my thoughts and forever in my prayers!!!
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